
Huntr huntr
Huntr huntr

huntr huntr

Not only has Chris has competed and won many archery tournaments across the country, but he also knows a thing or two about what it takes to kill big bucks.


In this episode of HUNTR Podcast, we bring on special guest Chris Bee, professional archer and popular hunting personality, to discuss some of our favorite controversial topics in the hunting community today. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as we cover our journey of buying our new farm in Illinois. There's so many different things to look for when buying a hunting property, so how do you know when it's the right one? How will it hunt? Is it a good investment? What's the access look like? Can it sustain a deer herd? The list goes on and on but don't worry, we got you covered. We sit down today and share the current process of what's going on in Illinois. After years of hunting Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky we've decided it's time to get even more serious about big deer. We bought a farm in Illinois! If you've been following us for some time, you know how passionate we are about the pursuit of mature bucks. It's no secret the love we have for the midwest and the hunting opportunity it presents, so we pulled the trigger. In this episode of HUNTR Podcast, we share some big news with you guys. New episodes of HUNTR Podcast drop every Tuesday 6PM EST With so many unanswered questions behind this disease, we talk about where to look for answers and what that process looks like. While we as hunters don't know all the details of CWD, it's no secret that it can eventually hurt the deer population in the long run.

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We also dive into the controversy behind CWD and what that means to the future of whitetail deer. We want to have the best possible chance at harvesting a mature buck every year. While strategies differ from state to state, it's always the same goal in the end. Between planting food plots and creating the best habitat for the deer herd, there's only so much time before you're in the stand on opening day. With the addition of the Illinois farm, there's a lot more work to be done. In this episode of HUNTR Podcast, we sit down to discuss our plans and preparation for this coming hunting season.

Huntr huntr